All posts by Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen

New version of ResInsight

A new version of ResInsight has been released!

ResInsight 2017.05 offers many new features, such as embedded flow diagnostics. For more information see the ResInsight website.

Binary packages for this new version are now available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (version 6 and 7) repositories as well as in the Ubuntu repository.

OPM in the MSO4SC project

The OPM software suite is one of three mathematical frameworks worked on and improved through the European research project “Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization for societal challenges with scientific computing“, or MSO4SC. The two other frameworks involved are Feel++ and Fenics. One aim of the project is to improve deployability, scalability and usability of the frameworks, especially in cloud or HPC settings. For each framework, one or more pilot applications have been chosen, and for OPM that is the reservoir simulator Flow.

Starting the coming Monday (22nd of May 2017) there is a workshop in Budapest, Hungary, organized by the MSO4SC project. The workshop web site contains information about the program and participants. It will be possible to follow most of the talks online, during or after the workshop.

If you have any questions or requests regarding OPM and the MSO4SC project please contact Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen (SINTEF).

Binary packages for ResInsight

Binary packages for ResInsight 2016.11 (the current latest release) are now available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (version 6 and 7) repositories as well as in the Ubuntu repository.

We expect a new ResInsight release soon, and will update the packages at that point.

OPM release 2017.04

Dear OPM community,

The Open Porous Media project is glad to announce that version 2017.04 of the OPM suite of simulation software has been released! Installation instructions can found on our download page.

Certainly the most significant change of this release is the introduction of the “flow_ebos” simulator. Compared to the previous “flow” simulators, “flow_ebos” uses a different approach to linearize the non-linear system of partial differential equations and as a result exhibits significantly better performance. The new simulator is intended to eventually fully replace the current family of “flow” simulators (i.e., “flow”, “flow_mpi”, “flow_solvent”, “flow_polymer”, etc.) and should already provide a proper superset of the capabilities of the “flow” simulator of previous OPM releases. For this reason, the name “flow” has been made an alias for “flow_ebos” in OPM 2017.04. If, for some reason, the previous “flow” simulator must be used, it is still shipped under the name “flow_legacy”, but we strongly encourage you to send us bug reports if you encounter any case that can be simulated using “flow_legacy” but not using “flow_ebos”.

Besides the introduction of “flow_ebos”, plenty unit tests have been added, a plethora of bugs has been fixed, well handling has been considerably improved and now supports e.g. top-hole pressure controls and vertical flow performance tables, ECL output and restart capabilities have been made much more comprehensive, and all grid related functionality of opm-core has been moved to the opm-grid module in preparation of the former module’s eventual retirement. In addition, a Docker container has been uploaded to Docker Hub to ease deployment for people who are into container technologies.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the many changes of this release happen so smoothly. It has been a pleasure to work with you!

Have fun!

Andreas Lauser

Upcoming release 2017.04

Dear OPM community,

As you may know, OPM aims for a biannual releases and it is time for the next one, dubbed 2017.04.

Modules involved in the release (maintainers are given in parenthesis):

  • opm-data (Alf Birger Rustad)
  • opm-common (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Bård Skaflestad, Arne Morten Kvarving, Joakim Hove, Robert Klöfkorn, Tor Harald Sandve, Andreas Lauser)
  • opm-parser (Joakim Hove)
  • opm-output (Joakim Hove)
  • opm-grid (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Robert Klöfkorn, Bård Skaflestad)
  • opm-material (Andreas Lauser, Robert Klöfkorn, Tor Harald Sandve)
  • opm-core (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Robert Klöfkorn, Bård Skaflestad)
  • ewoms (Andreas Lauser, Robert Klöfkorn, Tor Harald Sandve)
  • opm-simulators (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Robert Klöfkorn, Tor Harald Sandve, Andreas Lauser)
  • opm-upscaling (Arne Morten Kvarving, Atgeirr Rasmussen, Bård Skaflestad)

Guidelines for the release process:

  • All maintainers: Please review all open pull requests and github issues for the modules which you feel responsible for.
  • All maintainers: Update the CHANGELOG for your modules. You probably should have look at the changes since the last release. You can do this using the command `git log “master@{Nov 1, 2016}..master”`.
  • Cut-off date for code changes: Tuesday April 11, 2017. The master branches of all modules will be closed for non-trivial, non-regression and non-documentation merges after this, i.e., I’ll be a jerk and personally revert any merged code changes that do not fix serious problems thereafter.
  • Creation of the release/2017.04 branches: Thursday April 15, 2017. To simplify the bug hunting, the master branches are only open for merging non-invasive code changes until the final version of the release is ready. Maintainers should use common sense to determine what is “non-invasive”.
  • Preparation of Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL packages packages and testing based on the release branches. Arne Morten Kvarving will be responsible for this.
  • Tentative date for the final version of the release: Tuesday April 25, 2017. Depending on the outcome of the packaging/testing efforts, this may be delayed by a few days.
  • A corresponding release of the  ERT libraries will also be created.
  • After the release: Beer (or champagne or Coke if you prefer). The master branches are fully open again.

Andreas Lauser, release manager 2017.04.

Opm release 2016.10

Dear OPM community,

We are pleased to announce the availability of OPM release 2016.10!

This is the second release this year, the previous release was 2016.04. The next release is expected to be 2017.04.

The release brings major improvements to the output capabilities of Flow, the fully implicit black-oil reservoir simulator. This includes improvements to summary and restart output, which is now controllable from the input deck, and also improved logging behaviour.

In addition there are numerous minor feature additions and bugfixes throughout all modules. There are only minor changes to the module structure, see the updated modules page.

We’d like to thank all who played a part in the release, for finding bugs, posting issues, writing code, reviewing, testing and packaging.

Instructions for installation are found on our download page. Binary packages are available for Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, instructions are available for building from source for any Linux variant or Mac OS X.

Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen

Program for the OPM meeting June 1-2

Slides for all the talks have been posted on the talks and publication page.

DAY 1, Wednesday June 1

10:00 – 10:15   Coffee

10:15 – 10:30   Welcome
(Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen, SINTEF)

10:30 – 11:00   OPM: an overview
(Alf Birger Rustad, Statoil)

11:00 – 11:30   The solvent model for CO2
(Tor Harald Sandve, IRIS)

11:30 – 12:00   The polymer extension for Flow
(Liu Ming, Statoil)

12:00 – 12:30   IORSIM
(Jan Sagen, IFE)

12:30 – 13:30   Lunch

13:30 – 14:00   Flow-MPI
(Markus Blatt, HPC simulation software and services)

14:00 – 14:30   The OPM Dense Automatic  Differentiation Framework
(Andreas Lauser, POWare)

14:30 – 15:00   TNO user perspective: OPM
(Rohith Nair, TNO)

15:00 – 15:30   Multi-segment wells and well modeling
(Kai Bao, SINTEF)

15:30 – 16:00   Coffee

16:00 – 16:30   Monotone nonlinear finite volume scheme for flow in porous media
(Martin Schneider, U. Stuttgart IWS)

16:30 – 17:00   Adaptive Higher Order DG methods for two-phase flow
(Birane Kane, U. Stuttgart IANS)

17:00 – 17:45    Future directions for OPM
(plenary discussion)

We will reserve tables at a restaurant for dinner at 19:30


DAY 2, Thursday June 2

09:00 – 09:15    Coffee

09:15 – 09:45   IFEM: introduction and overview
(Arne Morten Kvarving, SINTEF)

09:45 – 10:15    Next-generation reservoir simulation: combining flexibility and performance
(Mark Khait, TU Delft)

10:15 – 10:45   ResInsight: recent and future development
(Jacob Støren, Ceetron)

10:45 – 11:15   The EXA-DUNE project
(Christian Engwer, U. Münster – by remote participation)

11:15 – 12:15   Group discussions
(multiple topics)

12:15 – 13:00   Lunch

13:00 – 13:30   Summary of the group discussions

13:30 – 14:00   Processes and organization
(plenary discussion)

14:00 – 14:15   Closing remarks
(Alf Birger Rustad, Statoil)



OPM release 2016.04

We are pleased to announce the availability of OPM release 2016.04. This is the first release this year, the previous release was 2015.10. The next release is expected to be 2016.10. Some features of the release include:

  • Further improved general performance for Flow, the fully implicit black-oil reservoir simulator.
  • Improvements to the extended versions of Flow: Flow-solvent handles more solvent effects and Flow-polymer has better performance.
  • Many of the upscaling programs have been cleaned up, and a few bugs have been fixed related to unit handling. Gravity is better handled in the relative permeability upscaling.
  • Major reorganization of modules, for more information see the updated modules page.

We’d like to thank all who played a part in the release, for finding bugs, posting issues, writing code, reviewing, testing and packaging.

Instructions for installation are found on our download page. Binary packages are available for Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, instructions are available for building from source for any Linux variant or Mac OS X.