Soon: New release 2024.04

Dear OPM community,

It is my pleasure to announce that we have started to test the first release candidate for the 2024.04 OPM release. You can checkout the release candidate:

  • from github: “git checkout release/2024.04/rc1” and then rebuild
  • use binary packages for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 (not yet 24.04, but we are working on that).
    For the Ubuntu packages, follow the instructions on, but replace the command
    “sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa” by “sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/testing”

If you find if you find any bugs/issues – please open an issue on github!

Thanks to all contributors for your improvements to the software and documentation, and to users for alerting us to bugs and problems.

Stay tuned for further updates!

Best Regards,
Lisa Julia Nebel, OPM-OP
Release manager for 2024.04