OPM release 2017.10, update 1

Dear OPM community,

We have created an update for the 2017.10 release. It fixes a few bugs in Flow that could affect simulation results slightly and also lead to very bad performance when running Flow in parallel using MPI. The effect was most pronounced when running with more than 4 MPI processes.

Binary packages for Ubuntu 16.04 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 have been updated, and for most users your systems will ask to install the updated version or do it automatically.

For those who compile OPM from source, the release branches on GitHub have been updated and tagged with


The master branch of course includes the same fixes.

OPM release 2017.10


On behalf of the OPM project, I’m happy to announce that version 2017.10 has been released. Packages for Ubuntu 16.04 and Red-Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 have been prepared or should be available soon.

As usual, this release contains a multitude of new features and improvements. Most notable are probably that the Flow simulator is now considerably faster than in the 2017.04 release, Flow now supports the solvent and polymer black-oil extensions and that there now is freely available documentation for the file format that is used to specify the input.

Finally, as the release manager, I’d take the opportunity and thank everyone involved in making the release process for 2017.10 go as smoothly as it did.

Have A Lot Of Fun!



OPM Meeting 18-19th of October in Bergen


The workshop is free and open to everyone who is interested. Please register before 1st of October using the following link.


DAY 1 Wednesday October 18

Place: Scandic Ørnen.

10:00 – 10:15    Coffee

10:15 – 10:30    Welcome (Tor Harald Sandve, IRIS)

10:30 – 11:00    OPM: current status and overview (Alf Birger Rustad, Statoil)

11:00 – 11:30    Flow-MPI (Markus Blatt, HPC simulation software and services)

11:30 – 12:00    Salt precipitation modeling in OPM. (Paul Egberts, TNO)

12:00 – 12:30    Robust tuning to improve runtime and accuracy of Flow simulations (Rohith Nair, TNO)

 12:30 – 13:30   Lunch

13:30 – 14:00    Comparison of Linear Reconstruction for Second Order Finite Volume Schemes on Polyhedral Grids (Anna Kvashchuk, IRIS)

14:00 – 14:30    Well modeling in OPM: recent development (Kai Bao, Sintef)

14:30 – 15:00    PorePy: A Python Simulation Tool for Fractured and Deformable Porous Media (Eirik Keilegavlen, UiB)

15:00 – 15:30    Performance in Exa-Dune: Finding a tradeoff between efficiency and framework generality” (Steffen Müthing, Uni. Heidelberg)

15:30 – 16:00    Coffee

16:00 – 16:30   Recent developments in the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox: Implicit schemes for compositional flow and hybrid schemes for CO2 storage (Olav Møyner, Sintef)

16:30 – 17:00   Nonlinear solvers for OPM Flow (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Sintef)

17:00 – 17:45  Python wrappers for Eclipse and OPM-Parser (Joakim Hove, Statoil)

We have reserved tables at the hotel restaurant for dinner at 19:00

DAY 2, Thursday October 19

Place: IRIS office.  Høyteknologibygget.  (8th floor)

09:00 – 09:15    Coffee

09:15 – 09:45    CO2-EOR simulations in OPM (Tor Harald Sandve, IRIS)  

09:45 – 10:15    Impact of convection on CO2-hydrocarbon mixing in EOR reservoirs (Sarah Gasda, UNI-CIPR)

10:15 – 10:45    Past experience and future needs in simulation of CO2 storage and CO2 EOR (Alv-Arne Grimstad, Sintef)

10:45 – 11:00    Coffee

11:00 – 12:30    Group / plenum discussions.  

12:30 – 13:30    Lunch

13:30 – 15:00    How to make your own simulator in OPM Ewoms?  Tutorials and examples. (Andreas Lauser, Poware software solutions) / SIMCO2EOR project meeting. 



Faster specialized simulators available

A set of three specialized simulators are now available, for the black-oil + solvent, black-oil + polymer and two-phase water + oil cases.

They are available on GitHub, and you need to build from the latest OPM master branches to get them. Their functionality will be part of the next OPM release (in October) if you prefer to install binary packages. The simulator programs are called flow_ebos_solvent (replacing flow_solvent), flow_ebos_polymer (replacing flow_polymer) and flow_ebos_2p.

Performance of the new simulators is significantly better than the existing ones, especially the specialized two-phase simulator.

It is our goal to incorporate all of these specialized simulators in a single Flow executable, which automatically will select the best variant to run each case.

New version of ResInsight

A new version of ResInsight has been released!

ResInsight 2017.05 offers many new features, such as embedded flow diagnostics. For more information see the ResInsight website.

Binary packages for this new version are now available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (version 6 and 7) repositories as well as in the Ubuntu repository.

OPM in the MSO4SC project

The OPM software suite is one of three mathematical frameworks worked on and improved through the European research project “Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization for societal challenges with scientific computing“, or MSO4SC. The two other frameworks involved are Feel++ and Fenics. One aim of the project is to improve deployability, scalability and usability of the frameworks, especially in cloud or HPC settings. For each framework, one or more pilot applications have been chosen, and for OPM that is the reservoir simulator Flow.

Starting the coming Monday (22nd of May 2017) there is a workshop in Budapest, Hungary, organized by the MSO4SC project. The workshop web site contains information about the program and participants. It will be possible to follow most of the talks online, during or after the workshop.

If you have any questions or requests regarding OPM and the MSO4SC project please contact Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen (SINTEF).

Binary packages for ResInsight

Binary packages for ResInsight 2016.11 (the current latest release) are now available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (version 6 and 7) repositories as well as in the Ubuntu repository.

We expect a new ResInsight release soon, and will update the packages at that point.