OPM Release 2020.04

  1. Major improvements to the group control capabilities.
  2. In mpi runs the initialization is only done on one node,
    significantly reducing memory consumption.
  3. The parser now recognizes all Eclipse100 keywords; for the keywords
    which are recognized by the parser but not really handled by the
    simulator a warning well be printed.

Updated compiler and library version requirements

Dear OPM community,

At the recent OPM meeting, it was decided to require newer versions of some libraries and compilers for building OPM Flow going forward. The new requirements are:

  • C++ compiler with C++17 support (gcc minimum version 7).
  • Dune version 2.6 or newer.

These requirements are easy to satisfy on newer systems such as Ubuntu 18.04. In particular, Dune 2.6 is provided for Ubuntu 18.04 through our package archive (ppa), which can be added as follows if you did not do so already:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa
sudo apt-get update

For older systems such as Ubuntu 16.04 it will still be possible to install binaries of existing versions of OPM Flow (up to version 2019.10), but if you need newer features you will need to upgrade.

Build instructions will be updated shortly to reflect this.

OPM Meeting Feb. 4-5, 2020 in Eichstätt, Germany

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2020 OPM Meeting on February 4-5, 2020! This time the event will be hosted by Dr. Blatt – HPC-Simulation-Software & Services in Eichstätt, Germany.

For those arriving during the day, we will reserve tables to meetup in a restaurant/pub on Monday Feb 3. The next day will be full of talks (given by attendees) and end with a conference dinner in the evening. Wednesday will be more informal and developer centric with talks and discussion sessions and groups.

For more information (including schedule, travel information) and registration, please visit the registration page. Please register as early as possible to make planning more easy.

We hope to welcome all of you in Eichstätt next year.

OPM release 2019.10

We are happy to announce the 2019.10 release of OPM. Binary Packages for Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 as well as Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7. For further information please read the installation instructions

The former module ewoms of OPM has been renamed to opm-models in this release. Some of its directories have been renamed to reflect this (ewoms/blackoil -> opm/models/blackoil, ewoms/common -> opm/models/utils, ewoms/disc -> opm/models/discretization, ewoms/io -> opm/models/io, ewoms->parallel -> opm/models/parallel, ewoms/linear -> opm/simulators/linalg).

Further changes/improvements included in this release are:

  • Renaming / Restructuring
    • The namespace Ewoms has been renamed to Opm.
    • Most files/header that were located in directory opm/autodiff in opm-simulators have been moved to opm/simulators/aquifers, opm/simulators/linalg, opm/simulators/utils, or opm/simulators/wells depending on their content.
  • Additions
    • Support for additional keywords: ROCKCOMP keyword (water induced rock compaction), COMPDAT, UDQ, UDA, GRUP, FILLEPS.
    • Support for GOR checking for WECON.
    • Improved support for WTEST.
    • Support for one phase simulations.
    • Experimental support for driftCompensation (off by default, enable using –ecl-enable-drift-compensation=true).
    • Experimental support for foam module (keywords FOAM; FOAMADS, FOAMFSC, FOAMMOB, FOAMOPTS, FOAMROCK, WFOAM).
    • Many unsupported keywords are now listed as missing features (those starting with A – M, R, T, V, W, Z).
    • Write well potentials to restart files if needed.
    • Support different edge weights when loadbalancing (uniform, transmissibilities, log of transmissibilities).
    • Improved support for multisegment wells (now enabled by default).
    • Many new regression tests.
    • Added an experimental linear solver subsystem (including complex CPR solvers) that is configurable during runtime (not parallel, needs DUNE>=2.6).
    • Use refactored well implementation from opm-common.
    • Output NNCs in an Eclipse compliant manner.
    • Output several diagnostics when parsing a deck.
  • Fixes
    • Made dune-fem version information available
    • Restart values are only read once (twice before).
    • Fixed several bugs concerning restart.
    • Ebos now logs to *.PRT and *DBG files
    • Abort runs without reading the deck if command line parameters are incorrect.
    • Use grid region mapping from opm-grid.
    • Fixed negative thp values from extrapolation using VFP tables.
    • Logging from well testing is now in *.PRT and *.LOG files
    • Serveral fixes to multisegement well model.
    • *.INIT and *.GRID files are also output on restart.
    • Do not update RESV for prediction producers.
    • Output FPRP instead of ovewriting FPR values.
    • Always write transmissibilities between vertical neighbours to
      TRANZ (even for NNCs).
    • Support upcoming DUNE 2.7

Special thanks goes to everybody in the community for testing and
especially to Arne Morten Kvarving for preparing the binary  packages and discovering all mistakes by the release manager (Markus Blatt) in no time.

Foam functionality in OPM Flow

An experimental foam module has been added to OPM Flow, and will be part of release 2019.10. With this it is possible to simulate certain types of surfactant injection. Such injection stimulates formation of foam to change mobility ratios, and give better reservoir sweep.

The implemented foam model treats surfactant transported in the gas phase, and reduces the mobility of that phase depending on the surfactant concentration. In addition to mobility reduction, adsorption to the reservoir rock is included in the model. To test the foam module use the keywords, FOAM, FOAMADS, FOAMMOB, FOAMROCK and WFOAM.

The model has not been tested on anything but artificial test cases so far, it is therefore likely to have omissions and bugs. If you try it out, please give us feedback by the mailinglist, github issues or direct email! A simple test case based on SPE1 has been added to the opm-tests repository, in the directory spe1_foam.

Flow manual for the 19.04 release available

A revised reference manual for OPM Flow is now available. Compared to the revision from January, this is a massive update. There is of course the relentless efforts of documenting all the new functionality. What makes this massive is however the inclusion of file format documentation on the output side. You will find EGRID, INIT and RESTART files documented in Appendix D. Another huge thanks to David Baxendale for his relentless efforts keeping the manual in great shape!