Official Debian/Ubuntu packages

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With the upcoming releases Ubuntu 22.04 (due April 2022) and Debian bookworm (estimated release date March 2023) OPM will officially become part those Linux distributions. During the past year we worked hard to align the package building process with those Linux distributions.

We are grateful for the help that was provided by the Debian Developers during that work. Special thanks go to the Developers Anton Gladky and Nilesh Patras for sponsoring the upload of the prepared packages and Graham Inggs for helping with the transition to Ubuntu. Of course the great packaging effort done by Arne Morten before that for the Ubuntu PPA made our life a lot easier.

You can see the current status of the packages at Markus Debian QA page

OPM Release 2021.10

Dear OPM community,

It is my pleasure to announce that the binary packages for the 2021.10 OPM release are now available for RHEL 7 and 8, as well as for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (code name Focal Fossa) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (code name Bionic Beaver). Note that this is the last OPM release to fully support Ubuntu 18.04  LTS, the next release will instead support 22.04 LTS. The Ubuntu packages may be downloaded from the OPM Project’s Personal Package Archive (ppa:opm/ppa).  If you have not already included this in your package sources, you can do so with the commands

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the simulator and its prerequisites using the command

sudo apt install libopm-simulators-bin

You can install python bindings for opm via pip ( using

pip install opm

I would also like to use the opportunity to thank all the contributors for their effort in improving the simulator.

Best Regards,
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen, SINTEF
Release manager for 2021.10

Release notes for 2021.10

The release has both new features and various improvements and bug fixes. The following overview may be incomplete, but should contain the most important changes. 

New features:

  • Add support for restarting simulations with aquifers
  • Add a two-phase gas-water simulator
  • Support for tracers
  • Support for keywords RPTONLY, RPTONLYO, SUMTHIN
  • New summary file format, Extended Summary, optimized for loading individual summary vectors. Activated through the new command line option “–enable-esmry=true”. Recognized by the ResInsight postprocessor.
  • Initial support for network balancing (NETBALAN keyword)
  • Support for GPMAINT (group pressure maintenance)
  • Support for restart of UDQ and ACTIONX properties

Improvements and fixes:

  • Add support for using dune 2.8
  • Validation for partially supported keywords
  • Improved support for linear solvers on accelerators (GPU, FPGA)
  • Improved support for restart with UDQs
  • Extended support for ACTIONX
  • Support for connection-level reservoir voidage rates and cumulatives reported to the summary file (e.g., CVPR)
  • Support for tracer summary curves (e.g., WTPR)
  • Fix grid generation without PINCH
  • Various fixes for NNC creation as well as performance improvements
  • Various fixes to the behaviour of the well testing procedure (WTEST keyword)
  • Support WELPI-adjustments to connection transmissibility factors of shut wells
  • Various fixes related to multi-level group controls


Dear OPM Users,

It is my pleasure to announce that the binary packages for the 2021.04 OPM release are now available for RHEL 7 and 8, as well as for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (code name Focal Fossa) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (code name Bionic Beaver).  The Ubuntu packages may be downloaded from the OPM Project’s Personal Package Archive (ppa:opm/ppa).  If you have not already included this in your package sources, you can do so with the commands

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the simulator and its prerequisites using the command

sudo apt install libopm-simulators-bin

Alternatively, you can install opm via pip ( using

pip install opm

I would also like to use the opportunity to thank all the contributors for their effort in improving the simulator.

Best Regards,

Tor Harald Sandve


Release notes 2021.04

The current release consists of some new features and various improvements and bug fixes. 

Highlights from the 2021.04 release is support for numerical aquifers, gas lift optimization, network models and support for diffusive flow.  

New features:

  • Gas lift optimization. With gas lift optimization enabled the simulator can allocate gas lift to wells and groups.
  • Numerical aquifers. Numerical aquifers allow for flexible and efficient inclusion of pressure support from adjacent aquifers.
  • Support for wells split between several process domains. This potentially gives better parallel grid partitioning. The well split is only implemented for standard wells.
  • Network option. Allows for cross well/group coupling through tubing head pressure.
  • Diffusion. Diffusive effects can optionally be included in the simulation.
  • WELPI-based scaling of a well’s connection transmissibility factors.
  • Three-point vertical scaling of relative permeability functions (keywords KRGR, KRORG, KRORW, and KRWR).
  • Support for well and group names with more than eight (8) characters in summary output.
  • Expanded possible actions in ACTIONX, including WELPI and UDQ updates.
  • Support for IMPORT keyword in GRID section.

Improvements and fixes:

  • Various fixes for thermal simulations
  • Fixes in the GCONINJE implementation
  • Support for aquifers in MPI runs
  • Fixes in the boundary setup when using the OPM specific BC keyword. 
  • Correct inclusion of the group efficiency for the top group level 
  • Improved convergence of the multi-segmented well equations. 
  • Various MPI related fixes. Avoiding dead-locks etc.

Commercial support for OPM Flow!

Commercial support for OPM Flow has been requested by several parties. The companies SINTEF, NORCE and OPM-OP have therefore formed a consortium, which now offers commercial support and maintenance services for OPM Flow. We believe this is an important step on OPM Flow’s path towards industrial usage.
For further details see the presentation OPM-support-jan2021. Note that the proposed structure and services are preliminary and subject to change.
Any interested party should contact Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen (SINTEF) by email or phone (+47) 977 48 679.


OPM Release 2020.10

Dear OPM Users,

It is my pleasure to announce that the binary packages for the 2020.10 OPM release are now available for RHEL 6, 7, and 8, as well as for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (code name Focal Fossa) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (code name Bionic Beaver).  The Ubuntu packages may be downloaded from the OPM Project’s Personal Package Archive (ppa:opm/ppa).  If you have not already included this in your package sources you can do so with the commands

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the simulator and its prerequisites using the command

sudo apt install libopm-simulators1-bin

I would like to express my gratitude to the users who provided feedback on our release candidates and to the developers for building the features that go into this release.  At this time there is one known issue relating to extrapolating a SALTVD table outside its domain of definition in simulation runs with BRINE.  We recommend that users take care that SALTVD table data is provided for the entire vertical range of the simulation model geometry.  Additional details concerning this problem are discussed in GitHub Issue #2889.

Best Regards,

Bård Skaflestad

SINTEF Digital, Mathematics & Cybernetics, Computational Geosciences group

Release Manager OPM 2020.10 Release

Release Notes for OPM 2020.10 Release

Since the OPM 2020.04 release in May 2020 we have worked on many aspects of the simulator, with a particular focus on prediction mode abilities and expanding support for user-defined quantities and dynamic actions (ACTIONX keyword). We have also added specialized physics models including Brine and CO2 storage capabilities as well as two experimental accelerators for the linear solvers based on OpenCL and CUDA for GPU calculations.

User-Visible Changes and Highlights,
New Command Line Options and Output Files

  • Add a new output file, CASE.INFOSTEP, that contains per-timestep performance numbers (e.g., number of linear solves, number of linear iterations, setup time)
  • Improve efficiency in loading summary files, especially to support manipulating summary data from Python wrappers. This also includes a new special purpose utility, called “make_lodsmry”, that creates files named “CASE.LODSMRY” which contain the summary vectors collected in the time direction-all values for one vector before all values of another vector.
  • Exclusively use the “flexible” framework for selecting linear solvers, through the new command line option “–linsolver”. We support the preconfigured options “ilu0”, “cpr_trueimpes”, “cpr_quasiimpes”, “cpr” (alias for “cpr_trueimpes”) or “amg”. Advanced users may alternatively select a runtime configuration represented in JSON by passing a filename with the extension “.json”. The default setting is “ilu0”.
  • Use non-strict tolerances only if a small fraction of the total pore-volume violates the strict tolerances. By default the simulator uses a non-strict PV threshold of 0.03 (3%), but this is configurable at runtime with the new option ‘–relaxed-max-pv-fraction’.
  • Add new option ProjectSaturations (–project-saturations) which ensures all saturation values are in the interval [0, 1], including runs that use solvents.

New Simulator Features

  • Initial support for calling simulator step functions from Python language wrappers.
  • Add a new PVT model for CO2 and brine.
  • Support salt-dependent water PVT properties.
  • Add support for using user-defined arguments (UDAs) in WELTARG and GCONPROD requests.
  • Add support for using SOF2 (Family II) with Family I (SGOF/SWOF) keywords in the case of three-phase solvent models.
  • Add support for well-level temperature summary output in thermal simulations (keywords WT[PI]CHEA).
  • Add support for well, group, and field-level summary output of gas-lift injection rates (keywords xGLIR).
  • Add summary output for analytical aquifers (AAQR, AAQT, AAQP).
  • Support counting abandoned producers/injectors in summary vectors [FG]MW[PI]A.
  • Implement FILLEPS. Saturation function scaling endpoints also honour TOLCRIT when output to the CASE.INIT file.
  • Generalise implementation of the FIP keyword and handle summary keywords like RPR__REG.
  • Improved the error messages from the initial parsing.
  • Support for group control targets/prediction mode with guide rates.
    • Includes voidage replacement and reinjection scenarios.
    • Includes support for outputting guiderate values at well and group levels to the summary files (summary keywords WxPGR and GxPGR).
  • Add more logging for the setup phase when processing the .DATA file-including which keywords and their file locations are being processed at any one time. This is to assist the user in narrowing down problems in the input file.
  • Support gas-lift optimisation for standard (non-segmented) wells.
  • Add support for editing transmissibility values in the EDIT section.
  • Add support for handling MULTZ in a pinched-out column of cells when the PINCH multiplier processing mode is ‘ALL’.
  • Guarantee clean shutdown in a parallel simulation run if any process throws an exception.
  • Add support for running Zoltan-based partitioning on a single process only.

Important Bugfixes

  • Fix the default pressure initialization for CT (Carter-Tracey) analytical aquifers.
  • Fix the way we incorporate gravity terms in boundary conditions fluxes.
  • Fix bugs with TRAN keywords in EDIT section.
  • Ensure VTK dataset filenames use relative paths.
  • Bugfixes for MPI.
  • Fixes to the build, especially for the “opm-upscaling” module.
  • Fix a bug in the interaction of TUNING and WSEGITER. This is needed for ECLIPSE-compatible restart.